Tasmanian Companion Card logo

Transfer from Interstate

The Tasmanian Companion Card Program is part of the National Companion Card SchemeThere is not a specific national card. Each State or Territory issue their own cards and applicants need to apply for the card in the State or Territory in which they permanently reside.

If you have recently relocated to Tasmania, you can transfer your Companion Card to a Tasmanian card.

Please download the form below, fill it out, and either mail it to the address below; or scan it and email it.

Interstate Transfer Application (Word 267.5 KB) (Accessible)

Interstate Transfer Application (PDF 79.3 KB) (Accessible)

  1. Mail your form to:
    Companion Card Applications
    Department of Premier and Cabinet
    GPO Box 123
    HOBART TAS 7001
  2. Or email to: companion.card@dpac.tas.gov.au
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